[Ubuntu-ma] Monitoring linux

WaVeR waver at waver.ch
Jeu 16 Sep 18:51:26 BST 2010

Salam Nordin,

Personally, you can use JFFNMS for local monitoring and Nagios to
monitor services like SMTP, HTTP, FTP, POP, IMAP, .......

Best regards,


On Tue, 2010-09-14 at 17:26 +0200, Nordin wrote:
> Salam alikoum Hassan,
> As you're an experienced administrator, I hope you can give me some tips 
> and advises.
> I'm planning to administer some linux servers hosted at clients. I don't 
> know yet what services will be running on their Linux, but the important 
> thing is for me to administer these servers. One way to login to their 
> systems is using ssh. But that's when I really need to access their 
> system. But what's important is to receive system status info from time 
> to time. What is the best way to get informed of server status hosting 
> at clients?
> Thank you for your time.

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