[Ubuntu-ma] Google offre son codec video VP8 sous licence open source, Firefox l'intègre déjà

Hassan Dibani hdibani at gmail.com
Ven 21 Mai 13:38:27 BST 2010

@VP8 might have implemented other techniques which is patented by other
companies. So it's not guaranteed
that VP8 is totally patent-free.

Google has already denied this. As part of their purchase of VP8 and during
the months after, they have done a lot of research on this and are sure that
they are safe from any patent trolls such as the MPEG-LA.
What the MPEG-LA is claiming here is that nobody can make a video codec
without violating their patents (which is complete BS). Theora has also been
accused of violating MPEG-La's "intellectual property". so VP8/Web-M is not
alone in this.
The good things is that we now have a company with deep pockets (such as
Google) who is willing to fight this fight for us (theora couldn't do that)
And Google is not alone in supporting Web-M, it already has support from
NVidia, ARM Adobe ...

I am pretty positive this will go through to become one of the most used
video codecs on the web (it will also improve a lot once it's open sourced)



But it would be great if there is a real open standard, open source
implementation of a good video codec, I've heard Theora is such one,
though it's not that good. If Moroccan universities of Computer science
can develop one, this will put Morocco in the picture as the webvideo
saviour :).

2010/5/21 Nordin <bouchtaoui at gmail.com>

> On 21-5-2010 10:21, Azzeddine Ouadyani wrote:
> > Let's not reinvent the wheel ! Moroccan universities should drop
> proprietary
> > soft and learn to contribute on opensource projects :)
> >
> I totally agree with you ;-)
> --
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