[Ubuntu-ma] maroc numéric 2013 et l'opensource

Nordin bouchtaoui at gmail.com
Mer 16 Juin 14:03:20 BST 2010

On 16-6-2010 14:34, Bunix Tux wrote:
> I'm not sure that the using of MSN will be a problem, because  now, we can
> install WLM whit Wine and more than that, we have also video call on
> Amsn/emesene... And Audio is on the road... We can too promote an free
> software which doing the same...

Iwa that's the problem, you need to install Wine, and audio doesn't work 
on all soundcards, so on some systems it works and some not etc... Not 
everybody knows how to do that.

Unless all the local pc technicians know how to work with Linux and can 
help them for 10/20 DH to configure ;-)

This brings us to another important point, computer systems should be 
Linux-friendly, so no driver issues can occur.

I do wish Morocco goes Linux, but the reality is more complicated. The 
best reason to use Linux in Morocco is because it's free! For Morocco 
this is very important, so we need the shaa3b of morocco know about 
this. Actually we need to say that Linux is 7alal to use :)

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