[Ubuntu-ma] Lot Ubuntu-ma, Vol 14, Parution 48
bouchtaoui at gmail.com
Mer 28 Juil 09:07:17 BST 2010
Salam alikoum coldcold,
Please don't feel offended by my previous post. I just want to say that
you can find a lot on google.
It's just a matter of typing the right words and you'll see a whole list
of interesting links.
But I don't know your situation, so my apologize if I made you angry.
On 27-7-2010 22:12, cold cold wrote:
> ne me sous-estime pas du tt Mr . i asking the guys here because they
> know better then me what should i chose or not and they r expert in
> this that all . and also u talk about searching in google i can get
> what i want any time i want
> and plz don't understimate me . i hate when people underestimate me.
> and excuse me for that
> On 7/27/10, ubuntu-ma-request at lists.ubuntu.com
> <ubuntu-ma-request at lists.ubuntu.com> wrote:
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