[Ubuntu-ma] Base donnees

WaVeR debian at hispeed.ch
Mar 27 Juil 20:29:39 BST 2010

Hi Hassan,

Le mardi 27 juillet 2010 à 20:58 +0200, Hassan Dibani a écrit :
> Adnane,

> I really disagree with your response, and i think we should not be
> responding like this to new Linux users.

Since a long time, Adnane was asking me to react and inform our team
that we forgot the purpose of this group and this list.

> Sure we all want to fix bug number 1, but that does not mean that we
> won't help windows and .net users who are trying to potentially
> replace a windows/MS SQL server box with a Linux/MySQL box. Asking
> them to completely move over to Linux before asking a question cannot
> be taken seriously.

He just react after my mail and respond quite hard. As I mentioned, if
someone wants to discus about something else then the goal of this
group, he's more then welcome at #Ubuntu-ma

> We live in a world where proprietary software exists and will keep
> existing (in our life time at least). We should not do the same thing
> that Microsoft does by locking users into our ecosystem, we should
> be inter-operable whenever possible. when the users see that Linux
> better suits their needs, then they will come over from themselves. 

Sure, but we are here as second level support. We are open to discuss
solution or how he can do implementation using Ubuntu. If the person is
sure that he want to follow the good road.

> If we stop potential users from even making the first step into the
> Linux world because they use .net (or whatever), then we're just
> shooting ourselves in the foot.

Again, we dont stop people who want to ask questions like: 

- I want to change from MS-SQL to something else what do you propose.
- I want to change from IIS to something else what do you propose.

But we are not here to make comparisons between MS-SQL and MySQL, IIS
and Apache, ....

> Mr7ba bik a khouya Hammou, kif guelt lik, imken lik tkheddem ODBC bach
> t connecta sur la base MySQL li installiti sur un Serveur Ubuntu.

Si t'as envie de plus d'info:


> Hassan (celui des Pays-Bas).

L'autre Hassan ;)

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