[Ubuntu-ma] Lot Ubuntu-ma, Vol 14, Parution 21

Nordin bouchtaoui at gmail.com
Lun 19 Juil 09:07:27 BST 2010

Contact with my cousin boubkar at gmail.com
Please, write in English, in Holland, we don't speak French, ghir un pue 
ou saffi.

Ma3a salama.

On 10-7-2010 13:43, cold cold wrote:
> pour les taxes . makayen walo . surtt ila jat 3an tari9 chi association .
> raha fabour . for free . kayen ghir chi 7aja ta3 tnabir c tt . o ana
> kan2aked 3la el mousa3ada . i'm here to help u .

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