[Ubuntu-ma] A propos d'un mobile android

Nordin bouchtaoui at gmail.com
Jeu 8 Juil 08:37:16 BST 2010


If you have a low budget, HTC Hero can be good enough for development, 
calling, sms, android apps etc..
I think the disadvantage is the lower processor power, less sensible 
touchscreen and smaller screen size.
Apart from that, it's a nice one. I wanted to buy "occassion" hero, but 
they're still expensive in Les Pays-Bas  (170 euro).

If you can order one with a Telecom contract, than HTC Android Desire is 
wa3er asahbi.

On 8-7-2010 0:47, abdelfettah sghiouar wrote:
> salut les amis
> je me rappel pas qui parmis les membre de cette liste posséde un HTC HERO
> sous android
> j'aimerai bien savoir comment il est ce SP, qualité d'affichage, charge,
> communication, fonctionnalités... Bref le tout (points faibles et forts)
> merci

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