[Ubuntu-ma] Douane et CDROMs

Hassan El Jacifi waver at ubuntu.com
Jeu 28 Jan 00:28:55 GMT 2010


Il ne faut rien payer. Si la personne ne comprend pas l'anglais ou ne
sait pas lire ou veut voler. Il suffit de lui expliquer.

S'il ne comprend pas, c'est marqué qu'il doit contacter Canonical s'il a
des questions. 

Vous trouverez ci-joint l'image que j'ai scanné, désolé pour la qualité.

Ce qui est marqué sur les 2 auto-collants:

- Auto-collant vert:
CD-Rom with free and open source software: no value
Not for commercial use
For educational purposes only

- Auto-collant blanc:
To whom it may concern,

Canonical Ltd, is committed to the development, distribution and
promotion of open source software products. In order to promote our
software we send CDs, completly free of charge, through the mail to
users who request them. For shipping purposes, we declare a 0.13EUR
value for each CD. However, these CDs are free promotional materials and
are not imported goods to be sold, and are not for commercial use or for
sale. There should be no import duty charged. If you have any questions,
please do not hesitate to contact me personally.


Maria Randazzo
Distribution Coordinator
Tel: +44 207 630 2469
email: info at shipit.ubuntu.com

Hassan El Jacifi
 Ubuntu Member
 Ubuntu Server Team
 Ubuntu High Availability Team
 Ubuntu Testing Team
 Ubuntu Swiss Team Owner
 Ubuntu Moroccan Team Owner

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