[Ubuntu-ma] Updates sadda3ni 3la upgrade 10.04.

Nordin bouchtaoui at gmail.com
Ven 20 Aou 10:59:29 BST 2010

Tbarklah 3lik Hassan, shoukran bezaaf!

Ramadan Karim you too ;-)

On 20-8-2010 11:46, Hassan Dibani wrote:
> Hello Nordin,
> You can turn it off by going to ¨System>  Administration>  Software Sources"
>   and selecting "Never" under the "Release upgrade" option.
> I have attached a screenshot to this email.
> Ramadan Karim.
> Hassan
> On Fri, Aug 20, 2010 at 10:23 AM, Nordin<bouchtaoui at gmail.com>  wrote:
>> Salam alikoum my brothers,
>> I installed Xubuntu karmic (9.10) on an old laptop, which is working
>> well (but a bit slow).
>> Anyway, when doing software update I get a message about upgrading
>> Ubuntu 10.04. But I know that if I upgrade to 10.04 my laptop won't boot
>> anymore and I don't want to find out what's wrong.
>> Is there a way to de-activate that message?
>> --
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