[Ubuntu-ma] (sans objet)

H. Mohammed Amine h0uss4m at gmail.com
Mar 10 Aou 11:15:03 BST 2010

yeah i knew this one just like (VBSkin) !
it has also some Extra features such as creating shapes and moving them with
predefined func.

On Tue, Aug 10, 2010 at 10:05 AM, Nordin <bouchtaoui at gmail.com> wrote:

> On 10-8-2010 11:42, H. Mohammed Amine wrote:
> > Hey !
> >
> > what do you use Java FX for ? i mean you not generaly
> >
> I don't use Java at all. But what I've read from wiki, it's just like
> normal Java that runs on an internet browser. The extra feature is you
> can create beautful user interface components, just like buttons, text
> boxes etc... Normally it uses only standard buttons (grey colored and
> rectangular), but with JavaFX you can make attractive round shining
> buttons, or a list box with other backgrounds etc...
> --
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*H Mohammed Amine*

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