[Ubuntu-ma] Page Wiki en arabe <Premier Draft>
Hassan Dibani
hdibani at gmail.com
Lun 21 Déc 14:19:22 GMT 2009
Salut tous le monde,
Je viens de modifier notre page
Wiki<https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MoroccanTeam/AR>Arabe car elle etait
vide. pour cela, je me suis base sur la wiki de
l'equipe Tunisienne.
J'espere la terminer ce soir.
Hassan Dibani
i have just updated our Arabic wiki
page<https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MoroccanTeam/AR>as it was empty until
now. I have based it on the Tunisian team's page.
I am expecting to complete it later today.
Kind regards
Hassan Dibani
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