[Ubuntu-ma] L'avenir de Ubuntu-MA

Abdellatif El Qochairi latimamal at gmail.com
Mar 15 Déc 21:24:11 GMT 2009

Bravo Hassan et toute l'equipe,

I'm really sorry to miss it, at the last moment I had to take someone to
Kenitra, and I just came back.

Anyway congratulations to everyone here!



On Tue, 2009-12-15 at 21:42 +0100, Hassan El Jacifi wrote:

> Salam tout le monde,
> Pour info, le team Ubuntu-MA est devenu officiellement reconnu par la
> communauté Ubuntu.
> Félicitations à toute l'équipe
> -- 
> Hassan El Jacifi
> ----------------
>  Ubuntu Member
>  Ubuntu Server Team
>  Ubuntu High Availability Team
>  Ubuntu Testing Team
>  Ubuntu Swiss Team Owner
>  Ubuntu Moroccan Team Owner
> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HassanElJacifi

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