[Ubuntu-ma] formation Asterisk

Ahmed MANSOUR 911freak at gmail.com
Dim 13 Déc 12:10:22 GMT 2009

While looking for a formation in Asterisk, you can read this excellent
book about Asterisk.
Voip Telephony With Asterisk.pdf

2009/12/11 salaheddine elharit <selharit at hotmail.com>:
> Hello Mr Elkafil,
> My Name is salah from Casablanca Morocco; I need your help please regarding
> the Asterisk,
> if you can give the name or the address for the any establishment here in
> Casablanca in order to do a formation in Asterisk .
> I have to do a work in Asterisk.
> Thank you so much for your help and support .
> Salah from Casablanca.
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