[Ubuntu-ma] THE NEWS.

ISLAM Abou El Ata kindyroot at gmail.com
Jeu 10 Déc 11:58:28 GMT 2009


I am here! I was the most negatively shocked (since you seem to like
criticizing :) by the: " je n'aime pas le mot "blog" et je ne connais rien
de reseaux sociaux comme facebook,tweeter..etc je crois qu'on y divulgue des

 informations qui doivent rester personnelles.
You seem to be unconditionnally denying the web2.0 worth, and as a spare
time hobbyist affiliate marketer who's main work (not job) relies on
blogging, social media, and other web2.0 thingies, I consider "Web 2.0
denial" to be more condemnable than "holocaust denial" (which by the way is
totally lame to my perception).

Furthermore I find the statement "*je ne connais pas*" to be awfully
incompatible with "*je n'aime pas*" and worse yet: "*je crois*". This is a
huge lack of consistency.

I suggest that you do some reading about the principles and foundation of
the Web 2.0, social media (comprises but is not limited to social networks),
aggregation (like RSS), social bookmarking, ...

Digging into the heart of the matter here is not appropriate, you'd better
do it alone around a cup of coffee and then give feedback later ;)

I am sad it didn't hook up with the other school, if it works now with the
other one it will be ok.

Cheers, Islam

PS: sorry Achraf you will receive this message twice due to a mistake.

2009/12/10 ISLAM Abou El Ata <kindyroot at gmail.com>

> Hi,
> I am here! I was the most negatively shocked (since you seem to like
> criticizing :) by the: " je n'aime pas le mot "blog" et je ne connais rien
> de reseaux sociaux comme facebook,tweeter..etc je crois qu'on y divulgue des
>  informations qui doivent rester personnelles.
> "
> You seem to be unconditionnally denying the web2.0 worth, and as a spare
> time hobbyist affiliate marketer who's main work (not job) relies on
> blogging, social media, and other web2.0 thingies, I consider "Web 2.0
> denial" to be more condemnable than "holocaust denial" (which by the way is
> totally lame to my perception).
> Furthermore I find the statement "*je ne connais pas*" to be awfully
> incompatible with "*je n'aime pas*" and worse yet: "*je crois*". This is a
> huge lack of consistency.
> I suggest that you do some reading about the principles and foundation of
> the Web 2.0, social media (comprises but is not limited to social networks),
> aggregation (like RSS), social bookmarking, ...
> Digging into the heart of the matter here is not appropriate, you'd better
> do it alone around a cup of coffee and then give feedback later ;)
> I am sad it didn't hook up with the other school, if it works now with the
> other one it will be ok.
> Cheers, Islam
> 2009/12/10 ACHRAF SELLAM <achrafsellam at yahoo.es>
>> Hola,
>> I answer A.Mezgani:
>> You said:*****
>> First of all please use the same file when you talk about the same
>> subject,
>> no need to create another one.
>> I think that this party must invoke some public, and there are many people
>> that can help you in such event please contact them and give them a chance
>> to
>>  advice you and guide you throughout this meet, they could be more
>>  experienced.
>> *******
>> I agree with you. They are some professionnnal people that are more
>> experienced than me.
>> and of course i will need their help however the meeting is just between
>> friends and could be
>>  between students.
>> You said:****
>> Who told you that the first school are not interested ? did you contact
>> them ? did they reject your suggestion ?*****
>> Honestly, there is a radio silence from the school. I contacted them by
>> email but they do not
>> respond, I'm perplexe!
>> You said:*****
>> It's not matter of presenting what you know, but the work group and
>> sharing knowledge still the principal objective.
>> Often, i thought about a party where the majority of Ubuntu-ma users would
>> be present, an amazing their meet.
>> *****
>> Well this is another topic if we want that all the Ubuntu-ma users to be
>> together we should be
>>  organized more effectively!!!
>> I visited your blog. There is a lot of code there and that make me
>> sometimes horrified I mean
>>  I will not put my head into dragonian code:-)
>> %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
>> Now I answer Azzedine
>> You said:****
>> Bonsoir,
>> Achraf, je ne comprend pas ?! Vous ne deviez pas organiser l'install party
>> dans l'école du papa de bunix ?
>> Je te propose si tu veux juste une présentation d'Ubuntu tu peux choper
>> une sur Internet ou n'importe quelle vidéo présentant le mouvement du libre,
>> et de distribuer, à la fin, les CD que Hassan propose de t'envoyer.
>> --
>> Azzeddine
>> Envoyé de mon iPho
>> ********************
>> Vous savez meme Bunix n'a pas le temps pour se meler de cette affaire vous
>> ne remarquez
>>  pas qu'il n'envoie rien. Je l'excuse parceque c'est un jeune qui doit
>> d'abords s'occuper de ses
>>  etudes. Apparement si le papa de bunix etait interesse il m'aurait
>> contacte mais ce n'est pas
>>  le cas je connais bien le pere de Bunix est j'ai de bonnes relations avec
>> lui mais je crois qu'il
>> n'est pas interesse. d'ailleurs on nous propose de faire le meeting
>> durant les vacances les
>> etudiants a ce moment la ne serons pas interesses.Alors j'ai decide si
>> vous me permettez de
>> faire le meeting avec mon ecole et non pas avec celle de Bunix.D'ailleurs
>> les deux sont en
>>  concurrence. Je me demande vraiment pourquoi j'ai fait l'offre a l'ecole
>> de Bunix et j'ai laisse
>>  mon ecole d'ou je suis diplome...Bizarroide et un peu fou!
>> **********************************
>> Merci A.Regragui pour la video j'ai eu une excellente explication sur
>> google wave meme si
>> A.Mezgani dit que c'est une blague....Vous savez je n'aime pas le mot
>> "blog" et je ne connais
>> rien de reseaux sociaux comme facebook,tweeter..etc je crois qu'on y
>> divulgue des
>>  informations qui doivent rester personnelles.
>> That's all folk.................
>> Any critics are welcome, Criticise me really I need this and I think
>> that's the way things grow.
>> By the way where is Islam???????????? I miss u......hahahahhahahahhah
>> friendly,
>> A.Sellam
>> visit: http://www.achrafsellam.com
>> --
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>> Ubuntu-ma at lists.ubuntu.com
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> --
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------
> http://www.nextma.com
> http://islam-abouelata.blogspot.com
> http://metal-oxyde.blogspot.com

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