[Ubuntu-ma] GO AHEAD!
mezgani ali
handrix at gmail.com
Mer 9 Déc 22:51:43 GMT 2009
Salam alikoum,
First of all please use the same file when you talk about the same subject,
no need to create another one.
I think that this party must invoke some public, and there are many people
that can help you in such event please contact them and give them a chance
to advice you and guide you throughout this meet, they could be more
On Wed, Dec 9, 2009 at 10:05 PM, ACHRAF SELLAM <achrafsellam at yahoo.es>wrote:
> Hola toda la gente amable,
> 4 months left from the next Ubuntu new release.
> I promise all the list that I will organise some meeting with any school
> here in EL JADIDA
> especially my school where I learnt about Ubuntu & Open Source and it's
> name is IGMA
> SCHOOL. BECAUSE I see that the first school which I planned to do the event
> is not
> interested: That is closed folder.
> Who told you that the first school are not interested ? did you contact
them ? did they reject your suggestion ?
> Well, I'm happy to announce that today I shown a friend of mine what is
> Ubuntu and he said :
> " it's practic".
> And this is how I plan to do the meeting I have just to make the
> presentation myself..what I
> know I will teach it!..Does everybody agree?... I am open to any point of
> view :-)
It's not matter of presenting what you know, but the work group and sharing
knowledge still the principal objective.
Often, i thought about a party where the majority of Ubuntu-ma users would
be present, an amazing their meet.
Finally, I wanna really know what is GOOGLE WAVE, can A.Regragui explain me
> what is the
> matter?????!!!!!!, I'm curious.
Google wave is a joke, don't believe it
> Until next time Be yourself!
> A.Sellam
> --
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