[Ubuntu-ma] Language
Azzeddine Ouadyani
azzeddine.ouadyani at gmail.com
Lun 7 Déc 13:44:04 GMT 2009
Hi Abdellatif,
Pleased to "read" you :)
You can write in English or Arabic, most of us understand both of these
Best regards,
Azzeddine Ouadyani.
2009/12/7 Abdellatif El Qochairi <latimamal at gmail.com>
> Hi everyone,
> Since this is my first time to write to you, I would like to introduce
> myself. My name is Abdellatif El Qochairi, I'm 38, I live in Rabat, and I'm
> the manager of a book company. I was introduced to ubuntu on Feb. 2007, and
> since then it's my main OS. I still use Win XP using VirtualBox because some
> software I need would not run on ubuntu using Wine. I use XP at home to run
> my Flight Simulator software. Other than that, ubuntu is the OS running on
> my laptop, my wife's laptop and most desktops at the company.
> I just want to go back to what Mr. Hassan El Jacifi mentioned in his email
> two days ago: "On est 38 personnes dans cette mailing liste est c'est
> toujours les
> mêmes personnes qui répondent."
> At least for me, the reason why I don't respond and participate, is because
> I can't write in French, though I can read and understand it pretty good. I
> can only express myself using either English or Arabic.
> The question I have then is: Can those who can't write in French use other
> languages? and if so which languages will be allowed in our context?
> Read you later!
> Yours,
> Abdellatif El Qochairi.
> www.abdeltif.net
> --
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