Software Freedom Day (SFD)

Mantas sirexas at
Pen Birž 22 08:08:35 BST 2007


Just a reminder to people about Software Freedom Day 2007, which is on
September 15th.

>From the website
"Software Freedom Day is a global, grassroots effort to educate the
public about the importance of software freedom and the virtues and
availability of Free and Open Source Software."

While team registrations are possible up until the day of the event, if
you register *before the 31st of July*, your SFD team will receive a
free pack of helpful items such as Tshirts, CDS (Ubuntu and, balloons and stickers.

You don't need to have all the details worked out to register, as
there's still several months to figure that stuff out in. Working with
existing LUGs in your country or area is also highly recommended and
very useful.

If you want to discuss evil (or not so evil) plans with other SFD teams,
there are several places to do so:

IRC:            #sfd on freenode
Mailing Lists: (discussion) (announcements)

Also, some additional reading can be found at:

Mantas aka sirex
Ubuntu - Linux for human beings

"Old programmers never die. They just branch out to a new address." -- Anon.