[UCLP] Idea for restarting the ubuntu learning project (Diego Turcios)

Diego Turcios diegoturciostc at gmail.com
Sat Dec 29 02:17:01 UTC 2012

Thanks for the answer.

2012/12/25 Jasna Benčić <bencic24 at gmail.com>

> Hi Diego,
> Nice to see your ideas. Elizabeth decided for now High School studens.
> Preliminary team is currently working on a preliminary course.
Is there any link about this? (Probably haven't google very well). The
course is going to be about?

> After we have our exemplar course we will start making plans for our real
> course and we will open  new docs and invite more volunteers so we can
> flesh out ideas and make a very thorough plan.
> I wouldn't recommend that we make this very wide at the beginning because
> we will lose motivation. I have a lot of experience with that because I am
> working on a similar project in Croatia.
> So it would be good just to start with Ubuntu basics and then we will see
> what possibilities we will have and how many people will be able to work...
> You can't expect that people will work precisely 9 months or so as you
> suggested. This is a volunteer world and we are all loaded with other
> obligations....
> I hope we will make it through step at the time as much as we can...
> Happy Holidays or whatever you are celebrating from me :)
> Jasna
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Thanks for your answer.

Diego Turcios
Ubuntu User  # 27518
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