[UCLP] [Ubuntu-manual] Ubuntu extra documentaion library (Working title)
Ubuntu Community Learning
ubuntu-learning at lists.ubuntu.com
Sun Jun 20 11:29:30 BST 2010
On Fri, 2010-06-18 at 00:24 +0100, Phil Bull wrote:
> Hi Luke,
> On Thu, 2010-06-17 at 23:00 +0100, Luke-Jennings wrote:
> > I am sure that yelp is able to understand lots of formats how ever, I
> > see the program as software centre for documents. Also in the future I
> > would like it so that locos can add custom feeds, similar to adding a
> > ppa. I am not really sure how that feature would work yet. Sorry to
> > write the same thing in two different e-mails.
> Could you clarify the "software centre for documents" concept, please?
The program would provide a place to find and download every document
produced by the teams that is in a pdf, odp, odt etc file format.
> If I understand correctly, documents would be presented to the user as
> distinct, downloadable entities. What advantage would this have over,
> say, linking the documents into the existing desktop help where
> appropriate? To me, the second approach seems better, as it would feel
> more seamless to the end user. They wouldn't have to worry about
> browsing through lots of different documents to find the right material
> - they'd just get a link in an appropriate place.
A link could be placed in the appropriate place as well, how ever I
don't think that would work for the learning teams content, which would
have several files per "lesson" an example is here [1]
Also what about the documents that are not relevant to anything in yelp?
Viewing help.ubuntu.com in yelp would look very out of place, and
possibly confuse the user as the pages are very different. Also with the
ideas to modify the help.ubuntu.com interface, can yelp handle html5?
> They wouldn't have to worry about
> browsing through lots of different documents to find the right material
> - they'd just get a link in an appropriate place.
I think with the correct publicity people would find the program very
useful. Also with locos etc also producing documentation the future plan
to make it so that locos can add custom feeds would help bring all the
documentation together. Future features like a search function would
make documents easier to find and adding a rating system would show
which documents are the most liked. People could use it alongside irc
lessons and lernid.
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