[UCLP] Meeting tonight @ 01:00:00 UTC
Elizabeth Krumbach
lyz at ubuntu.com
Tue Sep 15 03:40:12 BST 2009
On Mon, Sep 14, 2009 at 4:47 PM, Elizabeth Krumbach <lyz at ubuntu.com> wrote:
> Sorry for the short notice (it's only ~4 hours away) but we're tossing
> together a quick group meeting to discuss our workflow and document
> formats.
Logs: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2009/09/15/%23ubuntu-meeting.html
<MootBot> Meeting started at 20:00. The chair is pleia2.
<MootBot> New Topic: Workflow and Document formats
<MootBot> LINK received: http://imagebin.ca/view/03hE4BoC.html <- If
you look at this screen shot, you can see my "easy to get" project
tool for lowing the barrier for bzr and launchpad
<MootBot> ACTION received: Find Moodle expert
<MootBot> LINK received: http://docs.moodle.org/en/HTML_in_Moodle
<MootBot> ACTION received: Explore DocBook option
<MootBot> ACTION received: dinda added as Moodle Admin
<MootBot> Meeting finished at 21:03.
BiosElement also discussed his look into reStructuredText, which is
what prompted DocBook discussion (if we're going to use a formatted
structure that people will need to learn, maybe use a more popular
As a wrap up:
< doctormo> ok, i'll continue to see what can be done for lowering
bzr/lp access. BiosElement can deal with formats, pleia2 and dinda can
look into publishing. Sounds like we got a plan :-D
Our next meeting will be next week at the same time:
9pm EDT September 21st / 01:00 UTC September 22nd in #ubuntu-meeting
Belinda has helpfully offered to do a Moodle Q&A session during this
meeting (possibly with another Moodle person she finds within the
community, as you saw she sent a mail to the edubuntu folks this
Thanks everyone!
Elizabeth Krumbach // Lyz // pleia2
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