[UCLP] Course/Class Status

Martin Owens doctormo at gmail.com
Sat Oct 24 22:38:52 BST 2009

On Sat, 2009-10-24 at 17:09 -0400, Charles Profitt wrote:
> Some good ideas, but I think having a simple table with columns for
> various stages of the development would be better than inventing words
> like 'Moodled'.

So lets see about modifying ideas rather than simply replacing them.
Moodled is a suitable status for a class which isn't following the
typical 1,2,3 process and indicates that immediate attention is needed
to transcribe it back (for those involved in that).

I don't think it's suitable to have a table for instance, it's complex
and almost feels like a replacement of the 1,2,3 process plier2 brought

1) As a section organizer I look after the wiki page of my section and
bridge that into asciidoc development.
2) And as a class writer, I'm writing a section of knowledge into a
teachable format.
3) As a course editor I take from the asciidoc section the classes I
want and bind them together into a suitable course, putting the results
into moodle or public http.

Taken from this, we may want to make sure each step has it's own
statuses. A class is going to be planned, in progress, under review or
written. A course is likely to be planned, drafted, moodled (for when it
skips 2) or published.

A section should always be pretty much in editing, as it's really a list
of suitable classes, not ordered or compounded into any course yet. The
status is likely to be proposed, unorganised (gardening only) or
organised depending on weather someone has ownership of it or if it
exists yet.


Regards, Martin

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