[UCLP] Next Meeting Topic: Course Organization

Charles Profitt indigo196 at rochester.rr.com
Tue Oct 13 01:43:11 BST 2009


The way I am looking at things is that a desktop user will have to know
items that are 'how to use' and items that are 'maintain'.

If we can make a course that fits in either 'use' or 'maintain' that
should be done... and that course might go in the 'desktop', 'server' or
'sysadmin' strand.

I am trying to translate the 'courses' in to a string of courses that
would allow a 'learner' to become fluent in performing the role they
wish... be that a desktop user, desktop support tech, database
administrator or ???

I think we need to have 'topics' - 'courses' - 'strands'

The courses should be small enough that they do not need to have
portions redone in another course.

I am sorry that I am currently lacking a better way of explaining it.


On Mon, 2009-10-12 at 03:22 -0400, Martin Owens wrote:
> Hey Charles,
> On Sun, 2009-10-11 at 21:34 -0400, Charles Profitt wrote:
> > I had a conversation on IRC the other night with doctormo about how
> > courses should be organized. I will give a brief example here so we can
> > gather our thoughts and discuss prior to the next IRC meeting.
> Thanks for getting it written out as an example.
> I would not go for this particular model of laying things out because I
> believe it confuses a couple of target educational objectives.
> The Ubuntu Desktop strand/section is a good start, but it is really "How
> to use the Ubuntu Desktop", I would instead organise things like this:

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