[UCLP] Ubuntu User Days
Elizabeth Krumbach
lyz at ubuntu.com
Wed Nov 25 23:26:31 GMT 2009
Hey folks,
At the Ubuntu Developer Summit for version 10.04 last week we were
discussing extending Ubuntu Open Week throughout the release cycle by
having a few smaller "days" in #ubuntu-classroom which were devoted to
certain things.
The idea for a Day that took shape was "Ubuntu User Day" where a
series of beginner-ish level sessions would take place. Our vision is
for this to happen on a Saturday and probably last 8-10 hours,
depending on how many folks we get volunteering to host sessions.
A wiki page is taking shape here:
And we wanted to draw the talents of the Beginners Team (and material
from the Learning Project) to make this day a reality. Some session
suggestions already are listed, but please feel free to edit the list
too add your own - especially if you're in a position to teach. Other
suggestions regarding this day are also welcome, as it is now we're
shooting for mid to late January for hosting this day (maybe January
Thanks for your help!
Elizabeth Krumbach // Lyz // pleia2
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