[Ubuntu Leadership] Let's Reboot This Team (Again)!

Benjamin Kerensa bkerensa at gmail.com
Mon Feb 1 01:29:19 UTC 2016

As one of the early founding members of this team and one of the people who
took it over after it was created by Amber
I question whether there is the energy or even need for this team. Ubuntu
has been most successful at organic
mentoring or leaders without any program and any attempt to formalize has
always stalled.

My suggestion would be that unless you can find five longtime contributors
who currently or in the past have
held leadership roles who would commit to helping you reboot this time and
meet for a year and contribute
for a year then I would maybe put energy elsewhere.

There is a leader's COC: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LeadershipCodeofConduct

On Sun, Jan 31, 2016 at 2:18 PM, Svetlana Belkin <belkinsa at ubuntu.com>

> All,
> Yet another year passed and looks like we have not tired to reboot this
> team in order to create a powerful community of leaders within the Ubuntu
> Community.  I want to try again on rebooting this team, even though I'm
> aware that we have resource (time and human) problems.  The reason is that
> Find-A-Task was again brought up on the community-list [1] saying that it's
> not helping the Community, but Ian himself said[2] that it's a problem with
> leadership.  This is why I'm making a call to reboot this team.
> I have three projects/ideas that we could start on:
> 1. Mentoring Program
> It's the same one [3] that I suggested last year.
> 2. Material Collection
> Our resource page [4] only have two links and both link to the "Building
> Community" wiki pages.  I don't recall if those two pages have any material
> on leadership.  I'm planning to write a blog post, for those who don't use
> mailing-lists, and an e-mail to both Community Team and the LoCo Contacts
> mailing-lists, as they are our Community-based mailing-lists, but I wanted
> to discuss this idea first.  I'm not sure if this would help the team and
> the Community.
> 3. Leader's Code of Conduct
> It looks like we had one in the beginning but it's gone.  I know that
> someone still has the copy.  I don't know if, in the past, the team
> required all leaders within the Community to sign it.  I think it would be
> something that we could try to do again because it will offer protection-
> or would it be useless if our Community is a meritocracy? If not, the two
> other problems is that there is no way to show that someone has signed it
> on LP and (to me) that board members of every board are required to sign it
> since they are leaders.  Or would this be void if the CC sees who is fit
> and who is not for the members of each board?
> Out of these three, I think the second one would be the easiest to work on
> since it's simple.  The third idea would be the second because it requires
> a bit more work, if we figure out that it's still needed.  The first last
> would be the hardest to work on since it requires resources that we seem to
> not have.
> Please feel free to reply to this e-mail or we can start three separate
> threads for each idea.
> [1]
> https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-community-team/2016-January/000986.html
> [2]
> https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-community-team/2016-January/000988.html
> [3]
> https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-leadership/2014-November/000108.html
> [4] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuLeadership/Links
> Thank you.
> --
> Svetlana Belkin
> A.K.A: belkinsa
> User Wiki page: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/belkinsa
> --
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Benjamin Kerensa
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