[Ubuntu Leadership] Mentoring Program Meeting Doodle Poll

Silver Lion silverlion at posteo.org
Sun Dec 14 23:44:29 UTC 2014

It's nice to know that you would consider me personally ;) But my desk
is already loaded with RL stuff and those Lubuntu topics I'm trying to
get to since a couple of months. So I'm totally not mad at you folks ;)

But to answer your question: I'm located UTC +1. That means when you
guys are starting your day mine is already half gone ;) and further more
I've got a job with irregular time tables which means that my spare time
is limited at the moment. ;)

I'll catch up with belkinsa when ever possible and give feedback via mail.

Regards Silver

Am 15.12.2014 um 00:18 schrieb Elizabeth K. Joseph:
> On Sun, Dec 14, 2014 at 12:35 PM, Silver Lion <silverlion at posteo.org> wrote:
>> Those dates and Times are not for me. It would either be on 8 in the
>> Morning or at times where I am at the office not able to attend a meeting.
> We're trying to be inclusive and learn what times work for people, so
> please suggest some times that do work for you, perhaps Svetlana can
> update the poll to include them, or we'll consider them next time :)

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