[Ubuntu Leadership] Leadership Mentioning Program

Ian Weisser ian at korinthianviolins.com
Mon Dec 1 17:28:39 UTC 2014

On Sat Nov 29 16:23:07 UTC 2014, Charles Profitt Wrote:

> Would this be something that would dovetail with the Ubuntu Global
> Jam? Specifically, I am thinking of having a group of volunteers who
> want to learn more about leading an event work with existing
> experienced UGJ leaders to run two events. Event one would be run by
> the experienced leaders (with them explaining and demonstrating the
> details to the new leaders) and event two would be run by the new
> leaders (with guidance from the experienced leaders).

How-to-lead-an-event training (which may or may not be related to a
larger mentoring program) seems appropriate for UGJ, and I think it's a
great idea.

On Sat Nov 29 18:09:20 UTC 2014, Benjamin Kerensa wrote:

> Our effort is a little different in that its core focus is not
> Leadership we call ours the "Community Building Team" where Leadership
> is sort of a pillar of the overall goal of Community Building.

That's a most excellent and appropriate point to make.
Quite right.

Possible speaker topics we worked out a couple years
More edits and suggestions are welcome.



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