[Ubuntu Leadership] Ubuntu Leadership Meeting Date

Amber Graner akgraner at ubuntu.com
Sat Sep 24 01:49:18 UTC 2011

The most popular meeting time is Monday, September 26, at 1800 UTC.

I've added it to the Fridge Calendar and will create and agenda page
and include link sometime tomorrow (Sat).

I'll add it to the topic in the IRC Channel as well.  Please let
others know so they can attend and participate as well.  - Thanks.

Sorry for the short notice but lets see how this date works for the
next 6 weeks or so and then see if we need to change it up from there.

Thanks everyone who voted in the poll.  For those who can't attend
we'll post the logs to the meeting as soon as the meeting ends and
start discussion threads on the mailing list so everyone can
participate as much or as little as you choose.

Again thank you all and I am looking forward to the meeting on Monday,
September 26, 2011 at 1800 UTC.


Amber Graner//akgraner//

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