Ubuntu-LB helping a company move to linux

Elias Khoury elzalem at hotmail.com
Sun Feb 6 16:00:37 UTC 2011

They have an accounting software that connects to a server running sybase database, the server and the clients are currently running on windows.

I was able to run the client on linux using wine, but haven't tried anything concerning the server.

Other than that, it's just ordinary office work, document processing, spreadsheets, email, browsing, printing... nothing too fancy or complex!

They wish to be able to run their accounting client software on linux, the server could still run on windows if it cant be run on linux.

Anyone that can take this job and be physically present to install, troubleshoot and configure the systems  please let me know so I pass you the client's email address, so you agree with him over all the other details.

Date: Sat, 5 Feb 2011 12:38:25 -0500
From: thyarmageddon at gmail.com
To: elzalem at hotmail.com; ubuntu-lb at lists.ubuntu.com
Subject: Re: Ubuntu-LB helping a coompany move to linux


    I'm not in lebanon anymore, but I can still help with suggestions
    over the mailing list. What kind of Job is required from the system




    On 02/05/2011 11:52 AM, Elias Khoury wrote:
      Hi Dani,


      he owns a furniture store



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