Ubuntu-LB Ubuntu-lb Digest, Vol 20, Issue 7

Jocelyn jhabib at gmail.com
Sun May 31 03:14:21 BST 2009

Lebanon is to small to make subgroups this is what ended with the llug
and the leglug if you know them already instead we make make projects
and i already written a draft on the wiki if you really tracking this
wiki no personal activities u have to know i am leader to comunicate
with ubuntu get free goodies and marketing things to make some
seminars and not to rule i am a king and my responsibilty to moderate
to bad things on that list so guys insted of yelling at me and and and
and etc simply help to make things better with the next boarding
meeting with ubuntu locos i think what we did till should help us to
be approvode our target to spread and advocate ubuntu in universities
and many sectors i know it is not easy but we will with your help once
i got replies from the lebanese army and isf and seome unis i will ask
from somebody to go and meet them for a presentation so we can advance
. Wishing in the end new comers to read old threads and be cool and
try to help and not to accuse again ur free but your freedom end when
your bypassing the freedom of the others .

And for beginners in ubuntu install it mess with it and ask questions
on the list or submit a thread on the forum like we did for the issue
of gprs the sticky thread like a how to let everybody benifit from
everybody which nobody until now shared something some few people
instead of wasting time sending attacks and insults write up a good
how-to send it and post it and

thanks for helping and understanding


On 5/29/09, Majed Traboulsi <mtraboulsi at gmail.com> wrote:
> yoo geeks,
> Im ok to meet this saturday at 10 or 11, i will do the compromise khalas
> khallouna nilta2a ba2a.
> 3a fikra baddi kaffi iktob heek azdan la 2anno shaklo ba3don mousireen
> yitkhena2o.
> rou2o plz, khalas inso everything seriously, i felt like i was watching the
> news or reading the papers ! FUCK ! RPGs n Dimocracy.
> seriously if u want ppl to keep up like this, btamenkon ma t3azbo 7alkon b
> meeting.
> please stay sharp guys, we need to meet and start working, even if it was
> something minimal.
> tc ppl!
> cheers again n again

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