Ubuntu-LB Team leadership

Jad Yammine yamminejad at hotmail.com
Thu May 28 01:09:56 BST 2009

Dear Ubuntu-lb members,

This has been going on for 2 days now. At first I though I would leave out of this, but I think this thing has turned personal, and I though I'd speak out and give my opinion. We've all subscribed to this newsletter (and therefore by default joined the community) because we share a common purpose that of promoting the use of Ubuntu, Linux and Open Source in General. Although, I do feel more can be achieved and that indeed the community should grow further. The issue is not that of Leadership, but rather Structure.

Ousting a Leader to replace him with another will not bring any good to this Loco Team, especially at such a premature time in its creation. Questioning Mr Jocelyn's motive's and dedication to this is very unfair in my opinion, let us not forget that he was the one to set up the team and nurture it from day . I have personally met Mr Jocelyn on one occasion, where he was a great help in my thesis where I studied the competition between Linux and Windows (Server-Side and Client-Side) from an economic point of view (theorically and on the ground in Lebanon), the results of which are available in the USJ-Huvelin CEDREC.

By now, you probably guessed right, I am not a computer scientist or engineer, I am an economist specialising in new technology. From that point of view, I would like give my input regarding this team. Perhaps we do need a meeting, the purpose of which shouldn't be bikkering over leadership but rather setting plans and goals and delegating resposabilities in a vertical and horizontal structure. Meaning, this community should elect and/or apoint: Vice presidents, Secretaries, Media Representatives, Local representatives in regions/universities etc... I have had alot of experience managing groups and teams, may they be academical, political or social in nature. Developping the team should not rest on the shoulders of One Man, may it be Jocelyn or another. A person alone can only do so much, and since I see there are many people willing to put in the effort, man up and get to work. 

It is my opinion also, that the Ubuntu-lb team should have a Locale, a physical house/place or store in which all Linux users in Lebanon can meet. A Club-House if you will, I once discussed this with Abir from Linux Club LAU. If there was a coffee house or an Internet Café that adopted Ubuntu-lb... In which we could hang posters, hang out on a daily basis, offer physical support, promote Linux in general and Ubuntu in particular to comers and goers who are there for Wi-Fi access.

Take Care.

Jad Yammine

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