[Ubuntu Urdu] OpenOffice.org's annual conference

Sheri Rao sheri_rao at yahoo.com
Tue May 15 07:49:50 BST 2007

A call for papers for OpenOffice.org's annual conference, OOoCon 2007, has been issued, and people are invited to submit proposals by June 1. OOoCon this year will take place in Barcelona from Sept. 19 through 21.

Topics can range from developing OpenOffice.org to marketing it to the global politics of the free and open-source software (FOSS) movement to the technical challenges of localization. OOoCon is a forum for technical as well as general examinations of OpenOffice.org's place in the expanding world of FOSS.

- Presentation proposals can be submitted here 

- if you want to prepare your own proposal  then study call for papers outline here  http://marketing.openoffice.org/ooocon2007/cfp.html

        Please submit your proposal using the         on-line form          before 1 June 2007.


Keep up to date with the latest news - subscribe to the conference delegates' mailing list                   ooocon2007_discuss at marketing.openoffice.org by sending an empty message to                   ooocon2007_discuss-subscribe at marketing.openoffice.org.

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