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Fri Mar 9 17:02:12 GMT 2007

a milestone for promoting the FOSS ecosystem in the region creating both
adequate demands for FOSS as well as developing a local skilled workforce to
support it. Secondly, the collective intelligence that equips OSRC's
initiative is now available for both other countries as well as anyone
interested in learning and developing their FOSS skills.

Online References: 

[1] OSRC Open Source Toolkit:

[2] OSRC Open Source Tookit all chapters download (Zip):

[3] Expression of Interest in Free Open Source Seminars/Training Workshops:

[4] TORs for Conducting Open Source Training Workshops:

[5] UNDP-APDIP International Open Source Network IOSN Asia Source 2 FOSS
Training Camp, Sukabumi, Indonesia.


The views presented in this article are of the author only and have no
relationship whatsoever with the Government of Pakistan, Open Source
Resource Center, Pakistan Software Export Board, Ministry of Information
Technology or any of their official statements or official representatives.
Linux is a copyright owned by Linus Torvalds and all other FOSS tools or
products may come under their own respective copyrights or IPR that should
be respected at all occasions and appropriate contributions should be given
to their authors where directed.

About PSEB:   
PSEB is the entity within Government charged with the task of enhancing
exports of software and IT enabled services (ITES) from Pakistan. PSEB is a
guarantee limited company totally owned and funded by the Government of
Pakistan. Any questions or comments about this toolkit may be directed to
PSEB Islamabad at 92-51-111-333-666 or through e-mail at osrc at

About OSRC:   
The Open Source Resource Center is a project of Ministry of IT that aims at
promoting open source solutions in the country. The resource center provides
technical assistance for deployment of open source technologies. The OSRC
brings together established technology vendors, startups, open source
community members and enterprise IT users/customers to jointly explore new
opportunities for OSS deployment and how to capitalize on them. The Resource
Center serves the open source stake holders in the following ways:

- Discover cutting-edge features of Open Source Software (OSS) 
- Detailed information on existing best practices on OSS with pragmatic
guidance as to how to leverage OSS in their business  
- Access to a comprehensive knowledge base covering various facets of Open
Source Software  
- Tackle the technical issues related to development, deployment,
distribution and packaging in general and to startups in specific  
- Conducting Trainings on various open source applications  
- Networking of professionals, start-ups, researchers and existing

About the author:  
Fouad Riaz Bajwa is a fulltime FOSS Advocate and international
campaigner-promoter of the Free and Open Source Software (FOSS) Movement. He
is the secretary and Co-Founder of the International Free and Open Source
Software Foundation iFOSSF, a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization incorporated in
Michigan, USA with the mission to promote and strengthen Free and Open
Source Software initiatives facilitated through developing partner networks
and supporting Education & Research. More information about iFOSSF can be
accessed at: or More
research and articles by the author may be accessed at his blog: 


This article is shared by Fouad Riaz Bajwa under a Creative Commons
Attribution-ShareAlike 2.5 License. 


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