[Ubuntu Urdu] announcement

Noumaan Yaqoob y.noumaan at gmail.com
Sat Sep 16 15:04:23 BST 2006

Dear Waqar,

We are not translating Ubuntu Desktop Guide in Edgy. As far as I remember
you were translating the Edgy package. So what we are doing is to help you
with edgy by providing you suggestions in Dapper. You can use suggestions or
totally ignore them, it is up to you. Do not worry we will make sure that we
do not interrupt in your work.


On 9/16/06, Waqas Toor <waqasnasirtoor at gmail.com> wrote:
> this is to announce that i am translating ubuntu desktop guide and
> server guide ... this annoucement is due to the get out from the
> duplications that may come as shakir and nouman are also doing this
> ....
> i have been working on them quite for some time now
> wanted to make it a surprise but dont want others to give their
> efforts from the scratch if you guyz are interested you can help me
> out
> Thanks
> --
> Waqas
> Linux *is* user friendly. It's just selective about who its friends are.
> If Windows is the solution, can we please have the problem back?
> http://waqastoor.weblog.pk
> (Registered Linux user #424056)
> ref link http://counter.li.org/
> --
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