[Ubuntu Urdu] [LinuxPakistan] Urdu Word Bank

Noumaan Yaqoob y.noumaan at gmail.com
Wed Sep 6 11:25:13 BST 2006


A super user module is underway. But we will not be approving or
disapproving translations. We would just keep an eye on spammers. The idea
behind this software is to cheerish the freedom so we wont be apporving
meanings. We are not up there to provide authenticated translations for
english phrases. We are just trying to create a pole of words, a bank, where
every one can visit and deposit their translations. If some other person
Super User or Nomarl User doesn't like it then they can add the correct
translation, delete the incorrect or abusive translation and do other things
with the words.  :)

Any one can become a moderator and keep an eye on alphabates and maintain
proper aura. We just don't like busing people into something formal,
restrictive and limited that is why we do not have image verifications or
user registrations.


On 9/6/06, Waqas Toor <waqasnasirtoor at gmail.com> wrote:
> aaaaaa
> nice idea nouman ... but i ve got some suggestion ...
> 1. about duplications ... i mean copy and copy should not repeat ,
> 2. super selection ... i mean a super user should select the right meaning
> 3. abousive words filteration ... a check on abusive and vulgar words etc
> and about the loading translation from po file .. i can do that just
> show me you architecture ... else ill do that ;)
> Waqas
> Linux *is* user friendly. It's just selective about who its friends are.
> If Windows is the solution, can we please have the problem back?
> http://waqastoor.weblog.pk
> (Registered Linux user #424056)
> ref link http://counter.li.org/
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