[Ubuntu Urdu] PyUrduEdit Bug Report(Got the Error)

Muhmmad Shakir muhammadshakir2002 at yahoo.com
Fri Oct 27 07:52:51 BST 2006

 Got it. it was
import gnomeprint, gnomeprint.ui
line 5 in main .py file. i removed this line and now editor is working. plz tell me what is name of its equivilant in KDE. i mean print module.
nice simple editor i would like to work in it with my system  keyboard it is set on ctrl space while in Urdu Editor changing language is a bit difficult Ctrl Alt A etc.
anyhows thanx for such a good thing and hope it would be enhanced.

Noumaan Yaqoob <y.noumaan at gmail.com> wrote: Dear Saadat, 

It seems that in PyUrduEdit.py the script fails to find the directory I have installed the editor in. 

PREFIX = os.path.dirname(sys.argv[0]) + os.path.sep (is not working) 

Instead, I had to manually enter the path on line 14: 

xml = gtk.glade.XML("/home/nom/pyurduedit/" + "pyurduedit.glade")

Then it worked. 

I haven't tested it deeply yet. But its Amazingly Beautiful and I just can not express how happy I am :)  


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