[Ubuntu Urdu] Asia Source II: Free and Open Source Technologies for NGOs and SMEs from 22nd to 30th of January 2007 in Indonesia
Fouad Riaz Bajwa
bajwa at fossfp.org
Fri Nov 3 08:03:40 GMT 2006
Dear Community Members,
This is a call for applications for Asia Source II: Free and Open Source
Technologies for NGOs [Non Government Organisations] and SMEs [Small and
Medium Enterprises] from 22nd to 30th of January 2007 in Indonesia. The
organisers are International Open Source Network, Tactical Technology
Collective, InWEnt, ICT Watch and Aspiration Tech.
Supporters include Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development
of Germany, Humanist Institute for Cooperation with Developing Countries,
Asia Pacific Development Information Network - United Nations Development
Network and International Development Research Centre, Canada
Please see: http://www.iosn.net/regional/asiasource-2007 for more details.
Asia Source II is an 8 day long event from 22nd to 30th of January 2007, to
be held in Sukabumi about 3 hours drive from Jakarta in Indonesia. If you
would like to participate, you will need to attend the entire event, which
means arriving in Jakarta on or before 21st of January and leaving on or
after 31 January 2007.
This is an event for experienced professionals actively working with the NGO
or SME sector in South Asia and South East Asia, with a history of working
with service and advocacy NGOs, educational organisations, NGO resource
centres, community centres, health information organisations, SMEs and SME
support agencies in South Asia and South East Asia. Like previous source
camps, there will be an equal proportion of technical and non-technical
people at the event as we are hope to introduce "those who know technology"
to "those who need technology". Towards this end, sessions will vary from
the highly technical to completely non-technical. To be eligible to attend,
you will need to answer the questions below, providing detailed information
about projects you have worked on. The application deadline is 30th of
November. We are interested in all kinds of NGO and SME technical
experience, but areas of particular focus will include the following:
* TRACK ONE: Open Publishing and Broadcasting: Communication
Strategies and Writing Effectively. Graphic Design, Web Tools
[Content Management Systems, Blogs, Wikis] and Audio/Video
Production and Streaming. Script Writing and Story Boarding.
File Formats and Conversion Utilities. Shooting and Editing
Methodologies. Who should attend: Campaigners, Content
Developers, Web Masters, Activists, Fundraisers, Graphic
Designers, Film Makers, Radio Professionals, New Media
Practitioners and Archivists.
* TRACK TWO: Alternative Hardware and Access: Refurbished
Hardware, Thin Clients, Hardware Hacking, Wireless Solutions and
Community Radio. Who should attend: Server Administrators,
Network Administrators, Trainers, E-Riders, Rural Community
Organisers, Relief Workers, Privacy Activists and ICT4D
* TRACK THREE: FOSS Implementation and Migration: Moving an NGO or
SME from proprietary software to FOSS. Participatory Design and
Planning, Evaluating FOSS, End-User Training and Support
Techniques, Dealing with Desktops, Proxy Server, Firewall, Mail
Server and Groupware. Change management and migration
strategies. Who should attend: Server Administrators, Network
Administrators, Trainers, E-Riders, ICT4D Professionals and
Software Developers
* TRACK FOUR: Information Management: Mapping Information Sources
and Requirements. Best practices for Creating Specifications,
Information Architecture and User Interface Design. Web-based
Databases, Geographical Information Systems, Customer
Relationship Management, Application/Communication Security and
Disaster Management Systems. Who should attend: Heads of
Organisations, Senior Management, Campaigners, Activists,
Fundraisers, Archivists, Community Organisers,
Environmentalists, Relief Workers and Health Workers.
Demonstrating that you have worked on projects in one or more of the above
areas will make your application stronger. Proven training experience and an
outline of how you will share the acquired skills after "Asia Source II"
will also be an asset.
All participants at Asia Source II are required to be proficient desktop
users of computers, have been involved in at least one NGO or SME project
before and to have an existing awareness of the concept of Free and Open
Source Software.
Applications from women are highly encouraged by the event organisers.
Participants will arrange for their own travel to Jakarta. Once there,
transport to the venue from the airport in Jakarta will be provided. All
meals and accommodation during the meeting will be provided, for the modest
participation fee of 75 USD.
There are a limited number of participation fee subsidies available to cover
this 75 USD for those who are not able to raise the funds.
International travel subsidies are also available for participants who would
not otherwise be able to attend the meeting. Please apply as soon as
possible for subsidies as there availability is limited.
As we have limited space and funds, we cannot accept all participant
applications and cannot reimburse the expenses for all of them. Between the
5th and 20th of December we will personally inform each applicant by email
if we are able to invite him/her and in some cases reimburse expenses.
Please send the completed application form in plain text format to
asiasource2 at apdip.net The deadline for sending your completed application
form is 30 November. Please refer below for the format of the application
We will confirm receipt of the application immediately and will ask you to
check and reserve (if you do not have to make any advance payment) your
flight to Jakarta.
In January 2005, we organised a Source event - an eight day technology camp
- called "Asia Source" for 60 participants from the voluntary sector and 60
information technologists from 20 countries from South Asia and South East
Asia in partnership with Tactical Technology Collective[TTC] and Mahiti,
supported by Hivos, Open Society Institute.
This camp was one in a series of international camps on the use of free and
open source software being organised by TTC across the developing world.
See: http://www.tacticaltech.org/asiasource and
* International Open Source Network, www.iosn.net, Thailand
* Tactical Technology Collective, tacticaltech.org, Netherlands
* InWEnt - Internationale Weiterbildung und Entwicklung gGmbH
(Capacity Building International), www.inwent.org, Germany
* ICT Watch, www.ictwatch.com, Indonesia
* Aspiration Tech, www.aspirationtech.org USA
* Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development of
Germany (BMZ), www.bmz.de/en/ through InWEnt
* Hivos - Humanistisch Instituut voor Ontwikkelingssamenwerking
(Humanist Institute for Cooperation with Developing Countries),
www.hivos.nl, Indonesia
* Asia Pacific Development Information Network - United Nations
Development Network, www.apdip.net Thailand
* IDRC - International Development Research Centre, www.idrc.ca
Please answer the following questions. You do not need to write long
responses, but please provide us with enough information to understand your
skills and interests, and to have a sense of why you want to attend Asia
Source II and how you can contribute to the event.
Please provide answers to all the following questions.
1) Basic personal information:
a. Name:
b. Gender:
c. Date of Birth:
d. Nationality:
e. Country where you live and work now:
f. Affiliation/organisation:
g. E-mail address:
h. Telephone and emergency contact number(s):
i. Anything else we should know about you (allergies, diet, medical
condition, special needs):
2) What is your experience of working with NGOs and SMEs. What kinds of
projects and initiatives have you worked on?
3) Have you been involved with any technology projects for NGOs or SMEs?
If so please briefly explain them.
4) Where are you from, where do you live now, and what is your current
professional affiliation (organisation you work for, mission of the
organisation, position you have in the organisation, is your organisation an
SME or a NGO, etc.)?
5) Which track would you choose to be part of? Please select:
TRACK ONE: Open Publishing and Broadcasting TRACK TWO: Alternative Hardware
and Access TRACK THREE: FOSS Implementation and Migration TRACK FOUR:
Information Management
6) How would you classify yourself, i.e. NGO, SME, women's rights,
localisation, technical, software developer, hardware developer etc.?
7) Please describe your current technical expertise and ability.
8) Why are you interested in attending Asia Source II; what do you hope to
9) Asia Source II participants are encouraged to teach as well as to learn.
What tutorials, development sessions or discussions would you like to lead
(or help lead)?
10) Are you able/willing to share the acquired skills in your work
environment after "Asia Source II"? If yes, how and how many people do you
plan to reach?
11) Will you need to receive a participation fee subsidy in order to attend
Asia Source II? If so, please explain why.
12) Will you need to receive a travel subsidy in order to attend Asia Source
II? If so, please explain why and estimate how much (in US$) your round-trip
travel to Jakarta will cost.
Applications that will omit any of the questions will not be reviewed.
Last Day for Applications 25 November 2006
Forwarded by:
Sunil Abraham Manager sunil at apdip.net www.iosn.net
International Open Source Network - Software Freedom for All Asia-Pacific
Development Information Programme www.apdip.net Thailand:UNDP Regional
Centre, United Nations Service Building
3rd Floor, Rajdamnern Nok Avenue, Bangkok 10200, Thailand
Tel: (66-2) 288-1234 Fax: (66-2) 288-3032
India :3rd Floor, 314/1, 7th Cross, Domlur Bangalore - 560 071
Karnataka, India. Mob: (91) 9342201521
Tel: (91-80) 51150580 Fax: (91-80) 51150583.
Forwarded on Pakistani Network by:
Fouad Riaz Bajwa
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