[Ubuntu Urdu] ubuntu drapper urdu font problem

Carlos Perelló Marín carlos.perello at canonical.com
Mon Dec 11 10:01:59 GMT 2006

El jue, 07-12-2006 a las 14:43 +0500, Fouad Riaz Bajwa escribió:
> Dear Carlos, 


> Can you please check into this issue regarding the correct display of
> Urdu Language Fonts due to issues with Linux OTF processing engine
> availability? Please go through the message below outlining the
> various concerns and no response from the Launchpad Support System.

I'm not a font expert and I don't really know how to help here...

Could you point me to the support ticket that you don't get answers for?
I will try to find someone that could help you.

Also, I added Danilo Segan to the CC of this email, he's another Rosetta
developer and perhaps, he knows a bit more about this issue.


> Regards
> -----------------------
> Fouad Riaz Bajwa (Ubuntu Pakistan Team)
> ______________________________________________________________________
> From:ubuntu-l10n-urd-bounces at lists.ubuntu.com
> [mailto:ubuntu-l10n-urd-bounces at lists.ubuntu.com] On Behalf Of Muhmmad
> Shakir
> Sent: Thursday, December 07, 2006 2:38 PM
> To: ubuntu-l10n-urd at lists.ubuntu.com
> Subject: Re: [Ubuntu Urdu] ubuntu drapper urdu font problem
> Adaab
> I have never faced any problem regarding urdu display in urdu in any
> version of Ubuntu. breezy to Edgy every thing works just fine without
> any urdu support and i am not aware of any urdu support option in
> synaptic etc.. but i install urdu fonts always is it not the fonts
> problem???
> Solution of Bajwa bhai may be also helpful....
> And another thing now this mailing list is moved again i would like to
> ask. new Pak Nastaleeq Font is released. it is tested on
> Ubuntu/Kubuntu but i does not displays correctly. this is due to some
> advance features of OTF technology which are still not included in
> rendering engines of linux. a query and support question is launched
> at launchpad but there was not quick repsponce yet...........
> What we can do for this from this plateform?????
> Bajwa bhai and other ubuntu officials can they make this process quick
> of discussion so to add the support of Pak Nastaleeq as soon as
> possible????
> u can read all discussion about this font on Urdu Mehfil where its
> developer Mohsin Hijazi is also present....
> http://www.urduweb.org/mehfil/viewtopic.php?t=5961
> some more threads can be found in same sub forum.
> Regards
> Muhammad Shakir Aziz
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Carlos Perelló Marín
Ubuntu => http://www.ubuntu.com
mailto:carlos.perello at canonical.com
Alicante - Spain
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