
கா. சேது | K. Sethu skhome at gmail.com
Mon Feb 16 18:01:21 GMT 2009

On Sat, Feb 14, 2009 at 1:46 PM, Abdul Haleem <ahaleemsl at gmail.com> wrote:

> Only the digest mode subscription having problems like that.

The same problem is seen in  post acknowledgements send by the list. Today I
enabled "Receive acknowledgement mail when you send mail to the list?" in
the options page for my subscription. For the two messages I sent since then
the acknowledgement notices came back with Tamil content in Subject field
replaced with question marks.

For example  for my message
Subject: சோதனை மடல் (Testing)    I got following acknowledgment:

> From: <ubuntu-l10n-tam-bounces at lists.ubuntu.com>
> Date: Mon, Feb 16, 2009 at 1:46 PM
> Subject: Ubuntu-l10n-tam post acknowledgement
> To: skhome at gmail.com
> Your message entitled
>    ????? ???? (Testing)
> was successfully received by the Ubuntu-l10n-tam mailing list.
> List info page: https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-l10n-tam

I found the reason for that problem as follows:

Looking at the original I see following entries with regard to content

> MIME-Version: 1.0
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
> Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

Although it says MIME it really encodes with 7 bit "us-ascii" and and so
utf-8 contents get destroyed in transfer.

On the other hand individual email postings which come with utf-8 content
intact (i.e., Tamil content readable) show they are base 64 encoded (which
is a MIME variety) with charset="utf-8".

In case of Digest postings  there is an option in the options page for your
subscription (https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/options/ubuntu-l10n-tam
) <https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/options/ubuntu-l10n-tam>as

Get MIME or Plain Text Digests?
Your mail reader may or may not support MIME digests. In general MIME
> digests are preferred, but if you have a problem reading them, select plain
> text digests.

So those who want it in Digest mode (and don't want to switch to the problem
free option of individual email postings) and having the reported problem ,
I request you to do the following:

1. Let this mail list know which of the two options you are having?

2. Change the option to from what you have to the other and then send a test
mail to the list including Tamil content to the list  and wait for the  next
digest (does it come once every 24 hrs?) and see that solves the problem.

If any of the moderators know for sure from past that either of the two
options do not solve the problem, please do inform the same so that others
need not bother to test (For sure I will be testing this with a subscription
I made earlier today with another email id but I am still awaiting the
moderator approval for that subscription)

If the problem is not solvable immediately I would suggest to the Digest
receivers to consider  changing to individual emails like, (I guess) the
majority of us do. Other option is not to have email postings but read and
respond from web interface of the list.

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