[உபுண்டு_தமிழ்]தமிழ் உபுண்டு சின்னம் குறித்து..
shriramadhas at gmail.com
Tue Oct 31 09:56:57 GMT 2006
The Existing Logo of Ubuntu in Edgy in fantastic. I will soon do necessary
Thank you for the quotations.
The Edgy Ubuntu Logo will be soon put in our Groups site. :-) I was saying
exactly the same while chatting with Mukunth this morning.
Lets stop the conversation here on Logo. Thank You all. This mailing list
will focus on usage of Tamil related issues in Ubuntu and translation work.
Please do not entertain or post other mails.
Sethu/ Mauran,
I some how felt that though we work in common on translation work the
methodolgy that we adopt for taking Ubuntu to people is bound by our own
respective country's rules.
If you need to post the work of Sri Lankan Tamil Team, I can host a Drupal
based site in our own site. URL can be like: www.ubuntu-tam.org/lanka
Kindly tell if you need one. I will help hosting the same. Multi drupal
sites are so famous. Mauran or You can take the admin of that site.
The college students I have met have so far requested to host them a site as
they are not so comfartable with Tamil computing and I am planning to host
thiers too.
Kindly give us your feedback.
On 10/31/06, Sethu <skhome at gmail.com> wrote:
> Ravi, Ramdass, Mayuran, T.V., Mugunth and all others
> I regret and apologise that I will not be able to participate in the
> IRC discussions today. I request Ravi if there is any means for us non
> attending to read later, the recodrings of the proceedings kindly let
> us know the url - that is if the group discussing do not consider
> recording in public domain is not damaging for our cause.
> I had been mostly silent over this issue because I was searching in my
> mind for guidance for a win-win resolution and I regret and am ashamed
> to say I have not found one yet.
> The only post I made to this list on this issue was last Saturday in
> which I had quried if there is any prohibitons in using Ubunut's own
> logo without any modifications and why we desire to have own logo.
> Ravi explained in reply to the effect that for our own satisfaction
> and identity purpose logos are normally made by groups.
> From Ravi's listing today of Ubuntu's rules / guidelines for Ubuntu
> community coucil, any changes to their logo is not allowed. Ravi, does
> the functioning of our group comes under this community council
> framework you quoted and we are bound by those rules? If yes then we
> will have to go back to Ubuntu's own logo and use additions in a way
> it does not appear to be part of the logo. Text addition standing
> apart from Unbuntu logo could be Ubuntu - Tamil written in tamil
> language.
> I hope very much that discussinons will lead to common ground and list
> will remain intact with Ramadass continuing his good work as admin.
> If Ramadass is reading this wishing you to get well and hope you will
> participate in the IRC meeting or anyone on your behalf will bring
> forward your poitns of view
> Anbudan
> ~Sethu
> On 10/31/06, Ravi shankar <ravidreams_03 at yahoo.com> wrote:
> >
> >
> [..]
> --
> Ubuntu-l10n-tam mailing list
> Ubuntu-l10n-tam at lists.ubuntu.com
> https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-l10n-tam
ம. ஸ்ரீ ராமதாஸ்.
Stepwise instructions - to view Unicode Tamil text
1. You need to have Unicode Tamil fonts installed on your computer and the
Operating System capable of rendering Tamil Scripts. Windows XP comes with a
Unicode Tamil Font (Latha) and you need not download/install a unicode font.
2. In the Control Panel, in Regional/Languages Options you will need to
ensure that Indic/Asian Language option is checked.
3. Use a browser that is capable of handling UTF-8 based pages (Netscape 6,
Internet Explorer 5) with the Unicode Tamil font chosen as the default font
for the UTF-8 char-set/encoding view. Unicode Tamil Fonts may be downloaded
from http://www.tamilnation.org/fonts/latha.ttf
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