[உபுண்டு_தமிழ்]தமிழ் உபுண்டு சின்னம் குறித்து..
Ravi shankar
ravidreams_03 at yahoo.com
Tue Oct 31 02:26:01 GMT 2006
1. From http://www.ubuntu.com/community/processes/council
The Community Council is responsible for the following documents and processes:
The Ubuntu Code of Conduct, which describes the standards of behaviour expected of Ubuntu maintainers and other community members.
Arbitration of a dispute under the Ubuntu Code of Conduct. This will happen if a member of the community has asked the Community Council to review the behaviour of another member in terms of the code of conduct. The Community Council can ask a maintainer or other member of the community to retract and apologise for the offending behaviour, and refrain from further inappropriate behaviour, or leave the community. No person will be asked to leave without a substantial review and opportunity to defend their behaviour, but the Community Council will not hesitate to do so if an individual refuses to follow the Code of Conduct.
Team creation and appointment of team leaders.
Creation of new structures and processes. If a community member wishes to create a new structure or processes, they should submit that proposal to the Community Council for discussion and approval. The Community Council determines lines of reporting and responsibility between different community structures.
There is no evidence of the above method of dispute resolution in in this group.
2. From http://www.ubuntu.com/community/conduct most of the code of conduct is not followed, especially being respectful and dispute resolution. When ubuntu advices developers to think before leaving the group, our group encourages leaving which could also be alleged to inducing forking which is a criminal act in open source world..some quotes from the above page..
Be respectful. The Ubuntu community and its members treat one another with respect. Everyone can make a valuable contribution to Ubuntu. We may not always agree, but disagreement is no excuse for poor behaviour and poor manners. We might all experience some frustration now and then, but we cannot allow that frustration to turn into a personal attack. It's important to remember that a community where people feel uncomfortable or threatened is not a productive one. We expect members of the Ubuntu community to be respectful when dealing with other contributors as well as with people outside the Ubuntu project, and with users of Ubuntu.
Step down considerately. Developers on every project come and go and Ubuntu is no different. When you leave or disengage from the project, in whole or in part, we ask that you do so in a way that minimises disruption to the project. This means you should tell people you are leaving and take the proper steps to ensure that others can pick up where you leave off.
There has been no instance of the above code of conduct from the admin side.
3.From http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/TrademarkPolicy?highlight= %28Ubuntu%29%7C%28Trademark%29%7C%28Policy%29
read the last para in the page and it clearly states how a logo can be modified..
Logo Standards
It is important to maintain the visual integrity of the Ubuntu logo. We therefore ask that anyone considering use of the logo keep the following guidelines in mind. Following these guidelines will increase the chances that we will quickly approve your use of the logo.
When appearing in multiple colours, the logo should use only the "official" logo colors.
You may use transparency and gradient/depth tools, but should still maintain the Ubuntu colors.
A monotone version may be acceptable in certain situations, if the use requires it (e.g., desktop backgrounds).
Any scaling must retain the original proportions of the logo.
Other than the variations listed here, the logo may not be modified in any way.
Additional text may not be added in such a way that it appears to be part of the logo itself.
does the current logo confirm to the last two guidelines? we had been firm in the stance that the current logo be changed and only had suggested various possible alternate designs in order to reach a consensus and smooth functioning of the group. But those who refuse to change the current logo are no way facilitating resolution of the dispute. Only after clearly reading the trademark guidelines we suggested to restore the original logo.
The time 10.00 UTC was not fixed by none of the current tamil ubuntu members but was requested and suggested by upstream ubuntu loco teams and I just passed the message. There is no dictatorship in this. This is a virtual world across different time zones across the world and any time would be inconvenient for some member which is inevitable. If you are dedicated for the cause of the project, you are expected to join.
I do not participate in any other ubuntu loco group and its none of my business to mind about the content there. I want to contribute to this ubuntu group but find the logo objectionable, the attitude of the members and admin intimidating and want a solution. I am not against hinduism but aginst any religious affliation and labeling of this language based group, the undemocratic, unfriendly set up of this group.
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