Fwd: Translated packaging/development docs available

Игорь Зубарев igor.zubarev на gmail.com
Чт Дек 6 13:17:23 UTC 2012

---------- Переадресованное сообщение ----------
От: "Daniel Holbach" <daniel.holbach на ubuntu.com>
Дата: 05.12.2012 19:36
Тема: Translated packaging/development docs available
Кому: <ubuntu-translators на lists.ubuntu.com>, "Ubuntu local community team
(LoCo) contacts" <loco-contacts на lists.ubuntu.com>

Hello everyone,

We have achieved a huge milestone in the development community. For
years we wanted translatable packaging and development documentation.
It's there. If you head to


we have the guide available in the following formats:
 * HTML, multiple pages
 * HTML, one single page
 * PDF

both in English *and in Spanish*.

This is absolutely awesome. From now on we will be able to add languages
and have up-to-date Packaging and Development docs available whenever
they are complete enough.

This work was brought to you by many people who worked very hard to get
all the bits right, both on the packaging, integration, beautification
and translations sides. You all know who you are. Be proud of your work.
This will ease the steps of many people into helping out with Ubuntu!

As always this is ongoing work and the great thing is, you can help out.
You can file bugs on the guide, translate it and improve it here:


It’s great we finally got there. Now let’s get all the other
translations up to scratch! :-D

Have a great day,

Get involved in Ubuntu development! developer.ubuntu.com/packaging
And follow @ubuntudev on identi.ca/twitter.com/facebook.com/gplus.to

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ubuntu-translators на lists.ubuntu.com
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