[Ubuntu-l10n-ptbr] Fwd: Status of documentation translation

André Gondim andregondim em ubuntu.com
Quarta Agosto 31 16:38:52 UTC 2011

FYI = For Your Information.

Abraços e vamos que vamos,
André Gondim
E-mail: andregondim em ubuntu.com
Blog: http://andregondim.eti.br
Twitter: @AndreGondim
OpenPGP keys: C9721403

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Matthew East <mdke em ubuntu.com>
Date: Wed, Aug 31, 2011 at 04:01
Subject: Re: Status of documentation translation
To: Andrej Znidarsic <andrej.znidarsic em gmail.com>
Cc: Ubuntu translators <ubuntu-translators em lists.ubuntu.com>,
ubuntu-doc em lists.ubuntu.com


On 31 August 2011 07:47, Andrej Znidarsic <andrej.znidarsic em gmail.com> wrote:
> I believe it would be really great if the new docs (or at least the
> part that is finnished) would be exposed for translation within the
> next couple of days as a lot of teams (including ours) are going to
> organize translation effort during Ubuntu Global Jam weekend and could
> possibly translate a sizable chunk of Ubuntu documentation.

I've set this up, and the documentation will be available for
translation shortly at:


It is probably a good time for translators to work on translating the
documentation - and to report errors as bugs if you find any. However
given that the string freeze is not until 15 September, we can't
guarantee that the strings will remain unchanged between now and then.
There is normally intensive changes to the documentation in the period
leading up to that date. A very significant number of strings are
likely to remain unchanged, but some may not.

Thanks for your work.

Matthew East
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