[Ubuntu-l10n-ptbr] Fwd: How to run a Translations Jam - Training session today
André Gondim
andregondim em ubuntu.com
Sexta Março 5 16:13:49 GMT 2010
André Gondim
E-mail: andregondim em ubuntu.com
Blog: http://andregondim.eti.br
OpenPGP keys: C9721403
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: David Planella <david.planella em ubuntu.com>
Date: 2010/3/5
Subject: How to run a Translations Jam - Training session today
To: Ubuntu translators <ubuntu-translators em lists.ubuntu.com>
Hi translators,
In preparation for the Ubuntu Global Jam on the 27 - 29 March, I'll be
giving a talk on how to run a translations jam as part of our series of
training sessions [2].
Some of you will either have been or would like to know how to run a
translations jam, so I'd like to ask you to come by and share your
experiences with other teams, which is what I think will be most useful
in the session.
* WHAT: How to run a Translations Jam - Training session
* WHERE: #ubuntu-locoteams IRC channel @Freenode
* WHEN: today, Thursday 5th March, at 14:00UTC
If you cannot attend this one, I'll be also running another session on
the 11th of March. Check out the schedule [2] for other interesting
training sessions.
I hope to see you there!
[1] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuGlobalJam
[2] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuGlobalJam#Training%20Sessions
David Planella
Ubuntu Translations Coordinator
ubuntu-translators mailing list
ubuntu-translators em lists.ubuntu.com
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