[Ubuntu-l10n-ptbr] Traduzo Debian como Ubuntu?

Renato Krause renatokrause em gmail.com
Quinta Março 12 19:31:08 GMT 2009

Boa tarde,
Estou fazendo algumas sugestões de tradução e me deparei com a seguinte frase:

"If you have an existing other operating system such as DOS or Windows
and you want to preserve that operating system while installing
Debian, you may need to resize its partition to free up space for the
Debian installation. The installer supports resizing of both FAT and
NTFS filesystems; when you get to the installer's partitioning step,
select the option <guimenuitem>Manual</guimenuitem> and then simply
select an existing partition and change its size."

Gostaria de saber se em casos como esse devo substituir Debian por Ubuntu.

Renato Krause

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