[Ubuntu oc] Fwd: Audacity Occitan translation
yannig at marchegay.org
Lun 5 Mar 08:13:41 GMT 2007
Un autre programa revirat en occitan, mercés plan Felip :o)
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From: Dominic Mazzoni <dominic at audacityteam.org>
Date: 5 mars 2007 08:48
Subject: Re: Audacity Occitan translation
To: Yannig MARCHEGAY <yannig at marchegay.org>
Thank you very much!
I just checked in this translation to Audacity, so the next version
we release will include it.
I hope that you and Felip are subscribed to audacity-translation so
that you will know when we update the software.
- Dominic
On Mar 4, 2007, at 2:36 PM, Yannig MARCHEGAY wrote:
> 2007/2/2, Yannig MARCHEGAY <yannig at marchegay.org>:
> Hello,
> Please find enclosed Audacity Occitan translation (by Felip Joulié).
> - ISO 639-1 code is oc
> - ISO 639-2 code is oci
> - ISO/DIS 639-3 code is lnc
> If you need more information, don't hesitate to ask.
> Regards,
> Hello,
> Anything is lacking? Is there anything more we can do to have
> Audacity available in Occitan?
> Regards,
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