Release Dutch version Ubuntu Manual 12.04

Redmar redmar op
Vr Jan 11 07:12:36 UTC 2013

Hey Hannie,

Dat is goed nieuws, geweldig dat de handleiding voor de LTS nu af is!

Hannie Dumoleyn schreef op wo 09-01-2013 om 13:08 [+0100]:
> Hello,
> We proudly announce the release of the Dutch version of "Getting
> Started with Ubuntu" (Precise-e2): "Aan de slag met Ubuntu 12.04 -
> Tweede Editie".
> The screen version (PDF) can be downloaded for free from
> The printed version can be bought here:
> <>, see details below.
> The Ubuntu Manual Team
> Publication Date: Jan 07 2013
> ISBN/EAN13: 1481919423 / 9781481919425
> Page Count: 150
> Binding Type: US Trade Paper
> Trim Size: 8.27" x 11.69"
> Language: Dutch; Flemish
> Color: Black and White
> Related Categories: Computers / Operating Systems / Linux
> List Price: $ 4.42

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