Dutch translation manual finished

David Planella david.planella op ubuntu.com
Vr Okt 15 08:14:19 UTC 2010

El dj 14 de 10 de 2010 a les 17:25 +0200, en/na Hannie va escriure:
> Hi Kevin,
> Hurray, the Ubuntu Dutch Translators team have just finished the 
> lucid-e1 translation of the manual:
> https://translations.launchpad.net/ubuntu-manual/lucid-e1/+pots/ubuntu-manual/nl/
> This does not mean it is ready for publishing. It still needs reviewing. 
> For this purpose I would like to ask you, or one of your collegues, to 
> build the pdf-file, based on this translation. That way we can correct 
> the mistakes that will probably show in the build.
> Please let me know when the pdf-file is ready.
> Regards,
> Hannie Dumoleyn

This is just awesome. Translating the whole manual is a significant
amount of work.

Well done Hannie and Dutch translation team!


David Planella
Ubuntu Translations Coordinator
www.ubuntu.com / www.davidplanella.wordpress.com
www.identi.ca/dplanella / www.twitter.com/dplanella
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