[Fwd: Help with the Community Review]

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Wo Okt 6 19:57:23 UTC 2010

Aan de nieuwe vertalers:

Hierbij een mailtje + vragenlijst van David Planella aan nieuwe
vertalers, om er achter te komen hoe jullie bij het vertaalteam terecht
zijn gekomen en waar jullie tegenaan zijn gelopen. Als je tijd en/of zin
hebt zou het mooi zijn als een iemand van ons team ook die vragen kan

Alvast bedankt

------- Doorgestuurd bericht -------
> Van: David Planella <david.planella op ubuntu.com>
> Aan: Ubuntu Translators <ubuntu-translators op lists.ubuntu.com>
> Onderwerp: Help with the Community Review
> Datum: Tue, 05 Oct 2010 15:59:52 +0200
> Hi translators,
> I would like to ask for your help in a new initiative.
> Quoting Jono:
> "[...] as we have grown, I feel the typical community onboarding
> experience, that is, getting new people involved, has become overly
> complex. As such, I am kicking off an initiative with some of my fellow
> community members to identify areas in which we can fix this."
> In short, we are trying to assess how to make it easier to new
> contributors to participate to Ubuntu in different areas. 
> You'll find more information here:
>     https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommunityReview/Sep2010
> We'd like to ask 5 new (or relatively new) members to the translations
> community to answer some really simple questions, which we'll use as
> feedback to identify what we need to fix or improve.
> So what I would like to ask you is to forward these questions to any of
> your team members that might have started to contribute recently and to
> send me an e-mail with the answers at
> david(dot)planella(at)ubuntu(dot)com. I'll then process the data and
> I'll publish it on that wiki page, removing the name of the submitter in
> case he/she does not want it published.
> Here are the questions:
> Translations
> ------------
>       * How did you learn about this part of the community?
>       * What attracted you to this type of participation?
>       * Where did you look first for information on getting involved?
>       * Did you feel the places you looked for information were useful?
>         If not, how could we improve?
>       * When learning skills and content for participating, were the
>         resources you used useful? If not, how could we improve?
>       * What recommendations would you make for improving your
>         experience in our community?
> Do you think you could give a hand with that?
> Thanks!
> Regards,
> David.

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