Ubuntu-l10n-mar Digest, Vol 6, Issue 1

Vishal Telangre vishaltelangre at gmail.com
Sat Jan 22 08:18:57 UTC 2011

Yeah, I agree w/ Mr. Vaibhav.

Moreover, it seem that there are many strings already 
translated in the past, we just has to choose from those previous 
translations else you can translate yourself if yet there is no 
translation provided till now.

Anyways, hoping we'll do better this time 
than previous!

Thanking you.

On Sat, 22 Jan 2011, Vaibhav Dalvi wrote:

> Hello Guys,
> If we can sync the work then it would be better! Now we don't have any
> coordination and as such we're going around blind trying to translate
> whatever we can. But if we can try to work together it would give us a
> focus.
> There's a saying that the might of a number of us together is always greater
> than sum of our numbers.
> Also if we can make a habit of giving the translation only 10 Minutes a day
> even that would be great.
> On Wed, Jan 19, 2011 at 10:29 AM, विशाल तेलंग्रे <vishaltelangre at gmail.com>
> wrote:
> <SNIP>
> --
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> Thanks and Regards,
> Vaibhav S. Dalvi
> http://pointelement.blogspot.com

* Vishal Telangre
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