debian-installer: call to update translations - looking for new translators

Holger Wansing linux at
Sun Mar 25 15:10:44 UTC 2018


I'm currently trying to get translations updated for our debian-installer for
For several languages the translation has some work to do, and there is no 
translator active for those languages (or they really need help on translating).

This is also the case for Malayalam.

So I want to ask if someone would be willing to take some time working on that?
That would be really great!

I know this is a Ubuntu list, but since Ubuntu is based on Debian, Ubuntu would
benefit from Debian translations as well. So maybe someone here is willing to 
help us?

There is a nice web interface (Weblate) online for translating and statistics,

If you prefer to work directly on our upstream repository, it is here:
Translation statistics can also be found here:

Best regards

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